Carbon Solutions

Our objective: The best solutions for your challenges
Customized answers for your business
Reducing CO2 emissions is one of the biggest challenges faced today. To achieve this goal the energy, transport and all other industrial sectors are changing all over the world.
New solutions need to be found to produce, save, transport, store and consume fuel and energy. Steinmüller Engineering’s engineers use their vast experience in different fields of conventional energy systems to develop innovative solutions for the future.
Steinmüller Engineering is committed to developing technically sustainable and economically efficient concepts for and with the customer.
Steinmüller Engineering is at your service to resolve the technical and commercial issues that may arise in any of the energy facilities, power plants and industrial applications that you operate.
We rely on the vast technical know-how of the company to go beyond conventional consulting services so that you get real expertise. We also think beyond conventional energy systems to help you get ready for a greener future.
Green Fuel Combustion
For reducing GHG emissions, green fuels can be used to partially or fully replace the fossil fuels used in your plant. Steinmüller Engineering has experience in the conversion of existing firing system and boilers to new (green) fuels not limited to Natural gas, Hydrogen (H2), Ammonia (NH3) and various kinds of biomass.
We can assist in the fuel conversions by e.g. analysis of combustion systems, heat transfer, and air pollution control. We are able to support the project from the approval and concept phase up to the engineering, supply and installation of core components.
Power from renewable sources can be used for the full or partial electrification of your heat generation processes. Based on Steinmüller Engineering’s vast experience in high temperature processes, steam generation, and brown field projects, we are the ideal partner for the analysis and realization of your Power-to-Heat project.
Thermal Energy Storage
Steinmüller Engineering offers consulting for Thermal Energy Storage projects (e.g. Carnot-Batteries & industrial heat consumption) making use of our extensive expertise in plant design, heat transfer and system modelling. Consulting is not limited to the storage itself but convers complete storage systems including heat generation/transfer equipment like Power-to-Heat or Waste heat recovery heat exchangers and steam generation systems.
Since we are not bound to any specific storage technology we provide supplier-independent consulting Our references include among others molten salt and fixed bed storage systems.
Thermal Storage - The key to energy transition
The energy sector is evolving in the aim of overcoming climate change, as fossil fuels will in future be replaced by renewable energy, energy storage is becoming increasingly important.

There is an intermittency of power generation from renewable sources and a mismatch between generation and demand. Themal energy storage systems can be the solution. Steinmüller Engineering has many years of experience in plant design, high temperature energy processes and associated equipment.
Carbon Capture
Carbon Capture is one solution for meeting the emission targets or just for catching valuable “green” CO2 as feedstock for other processes (e.g. eFuels or carbon-based materials). A proper integration of the carbon capture system into the plant is mandatory to maintain maximum efficiency and avoid excessive operations and maintenance costs.
Steinmüller Engineering is the suitable partner for holistic view through experience in heat transfer and gas purification systems and system design.
Steinmüller Engineering offers design and supply of gas purification upstream your capture system, design and supply of waste heat recovery systems for efficiency optimization as well as overall technical and economical system optimization.
Oxyfuel combustion is a Carbon Capture method and means the combustion of a fuel in with pure oxygen (or oxygen rich gas) instead of air. By oxyfuel combustion flue gas with very high CO2 concentrations can be achieved. The CO2 can be sequestrated (CCS) or used (CCU) e.g. for e-fuel production when combusting biogenic matter for green CO2. Steinmüller Engineering has experience in combustion & heat transfer & gas purification systems. Steinmüller Engineering offers design of complete systems for CO2 supply from biomass (incineration, heat usage, gas purification).
Waste Heat Recovery
Optimization of energy usage becomes more important every day. Making use of energy streams otherwise wasted can often be part of the solution.
Steinmüller Engineering experience in heat transfer system and equipment design especially for demanding conditions (extreme load changes, high dust loads, …); brown field projects.
Steinmüller Engineering offers analysis and design of Waste Heat Recovery concept incl. heat exchange equipment. Our references cover cement & steel industry (e.g. heat recovery from electric arc furnace “EAF”) and flue gas condensation e.g. for district heating.

Christian Stefan
Senior Project Manager Sales
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