
Core Competencies | Capabilities

Whether you are building a new plant or have reasons to retrofit an existing plant (e.g. new legal requirements or a change in fuel source), the main target is to find the most efficient and economical solution.



You can rely on our competitive edges:

  • Broad engineering know-how
  • Long-standing experience based on the provision of tailor made solutions
  • Vast reference list
  • Deep process and technology knowledge for combustion systems, air pollution control and heat recovery
  • High flexibility due to lean organization
  • Short decision making processes
  • OEM-independent design and engineering tools
  • Excellent internal know-how management


Steinmüller Engineering GmbH
IHI Group Company
Fabrikstraße 5
51643 Gummersbach / Germany


T +49 (0)2261 78950-0
F +49 (0)2261 78950-199

Logo: IHI Corporation




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